
Una kingulliqpaanguyuq makimautihimavluni quviahuutigiyauvlunilu pitquhivut pitquhituqavut aannuraangit. Inulrammiivut harimahukpagaat pitquhituqaugamik, atuliqpagaallu Inuinnait inuudjuhingit ilittuqhiivakhugulu hilaryuanut ininganit. Nalunaiqhuni akhuurlualiqhutik pitquhituqanut aturaaqhimmaarumablugit qangaraalungmi.
The new millennium has seen the revival and celebration of our traditional culture and clothing. Our young people find pride in their history, and use their Inuinnait identity to ground themselves on the global stage. They are once again hungry for the traditions that have sustained our people for so long.

Atigit ublumimut niplautarivlugit ayuinningit Inuinnait pitquhiriyangit nutaamik aturluaqhutik utuqqaugaluaqhuniuk pitquhituqangit. Atigit pinniqhivallialiqhutik ivitaangit tautungnaqtut nunakput tautungnanngittunik, unalu miqhaat pinniqhivakhugit aallatqiit ahinit kalikungit ikhiliqpagaallu. Una tunngavigiyangit pitquhivut tautungnaqhuni ikhiit aannuraanut pinniqhivakhugit qupaliqhugillu pinniqtumik. Mitquit huli uqquuhimainnaqtaatigut aullaaqhimagaangapta.
The parkas of today speak to the ability of Inuinnait culture to adapt new materials to age-old values. Parkas are often bright with colours not seen on our landscape, and stitched from synthetic materials and foreign fabrics. The foundation of our culture is still visible in the cut of the clothing and the intricate designs used to adorn them. Fur trim continues to keep us warm while out on the land. Perhaps most importantly parkas are still sewn by Inuinnait, with memories of family and loved ones woven into every stitch.