Uvani 1950 nguqtillugu inuinnapta nuutpallialiqhutik. Tiriganniat amingit katakpallaaqhutik akikhiyuummiqpallaaqhuni. Tuktut umingmaillu nungutpallialiqhuni. Inugiakhivallaaliqhuni ilagiiktunut niqikhailliuliqhutik qinmiqtuqtullu huli aulahuiqhutik. Inuit amihut aanniaqpallaaliqhutik tiipiiqaliqhutik, qablunaat nunaanunngauvaliqhutik aanniarvingmut niuvirviillu qanilruanunngaqpaliqhutik.
The 1950’s were a period of transition for Inuinnait. There had been a crash in fox fur prices. Caribou and muskox populations also decreased. The need to feed bigger families and dog-teams remained the same. Many became sick from introduced diseases like tuberculosis, and were sent to the south to hospitals or moved closer to trading posts.

Margery Nerk in her spring parka, Cambridge Bay, 1956. Donated to PI/KHS.

Kooblomiayk at the Annual Camsell Hospital x-ray survey in Cambridge Bay, 1956. Photographer unknown. Donated to PI/KHS

Johnny Tologanak at outboard motor, Cambridge Bay, N.W.T., [Nunavut]. He served as a special constable with the R.C.M.P. during the early 1950s.

Margery Nerk in her spring parka, Cambridge Bay, 1956. Donated to PI/KHS.

Kanata Kavamaryuangit ihumaliuqpalliavlutik qanuq inuit inuuyukhanut. Nunallaat angiklivalliablutik haniani niuvirvingmit munaqhinikpaliqhutik iliharvikhaniglu. Hivuniqhuutiqaliqhuta qiyulingnit igluqpaqarvit taidjutiqaqhutik ‘matchboxes’, akiliqtuivlutik maniliurahuaqtukhanut havaanut, ubluq tamaat atuliqhugit inuqarniumit inuuhirnut. Amihut nutaqqat ungahiktumut ilihaqturiaqhutik taimaa uuktuquyaunngittutik uqauhirnut pitquhirnullu. Ilangit upinngiivingmiikhuta, anguniaqhimmaaqhuta iqalukhiuqpakhutalu ilakhanut. Hivuniqhuutauliqhunilu haffumani Tuulait- anguyaktit tahivallialiqhuni Tuulaiqarviit tamainnut Kaniitian Ukiuqtaqtumi—nakhaqhutik nutaamik aannuraanit ikayuutikhangillu. Tahapkuat kalikuinnaat aannuraaliuqhimayut huli angulaitpiaqtangit uqquuyumik tuktu amingit, atuinnaliqhugit inungnut anguniayuittunut. Nutaat pinniqtuniglu kalikuit pinnirivagaat arnat Arnainnaat atigit, miqhuqtauvaktut alruyaqtuittumik miqhuqtitarnut.
The Government of Canada began making decisions about how our people should live. Towns were built near trading posts and brought basic services such as medical care and education. We were introduced to wooden houses called ‘matchboxes’, wage economy jobs, and the daily rhythm of settlement life. Many children were sent off to distant schools where they were forbidden from practicing their language and culture. Some of us remained in outpost camps, and continued to fish and hunt for our families. The introduction of the DEW-Line—a chain of military radar bases stretching across the Canadian Arctic—brought new access to ready-made clothing and supplies. While canvas and cloth could not compete with the warmth of caribou skin, they were available to those without the time or equipment to hunt. New and exotic fabrics adorned our women’s Mother Hubbard parkas, sewn with hand-crank sewing machines.

Owen Etegik (left) and Angus Egotak (right) at Cambridge Bay, [Iqaluktuuttiaq], Nunavut, ca. 1947 J.L. Robinson/ Library and Archives Canada. PA-102255

Two Inuit boys outside in duffle parkas at Cambridge Bay (Iqaluktuuttiaq) 1947 J.L. Robinson /Library and Archives Canada /PA-102255

Grace Hayohok in Kugluktuk. 1950, Richard Harrington / Library and Archives Canada / PA-166828.jpg

Owen Etegik (left) and Angus Egotak (right) at Cambridge Bay, [Iqaluktuuttiaq], Nunavut, ca. 1947 J.L. Robinson/ Library and Archives Canada. PA-102255