Uvani 1920 nguqtillugu, hilaryuavut aallannguqpallialiqhuni. Niuviqtit, Paliihimaqaliqhuni minihitaillu takukhauliqhutik, qaivallialiqhutik nutaamik inungnit ilitquhiliqaqhutik ihumaqaliqhutik aallanit. Nutaamik hunaqaliqhutik haffuminngat hiqquutit, atigiliukhamik, muqpauyaliuqhamaat, tiiniglu himmauhiqhutik tirigannianut amingit. Tahapkuat nutaanguyut ingilrutikhat angikliyuummiqhugit qinmiqtuqtunut, ilavullu inugiakhivlutik, ungahiktuliaqpakhuta. Inuit pitquhituqangittauq atuiqhimaliqhugit. Niqikhanut ingilrutikhangillu niuviinnaqhugit, manirarmiutauhuiqhutik nunami.
In the 1920’s, our world began to rapidly change. Trading posts, RCMP stations and missions appeared, bringing with them new people and ways of thinking. We were given novel materials such as guns, fabric, flour and tea in exchange for our fox furs. These new tools allowed us to increase our dog teams, sustain larger families, and travel further than before. Old ways began to be abandoned. With food and tools available for purchase, the need to live from the land diminished.
Nutaaqpiamik atigiliurniq takukhauvaliqhuni. Una Klengenberg ilagiik, niuviqtiuyuq Alaskamiutauyut, ilittuqhiivluni arnanut takhivalliavlutik atigit nunamingnit qauyimayauvlutik ‘Mother Hubbards.’ Una atigi ilitquhinga qangaraalungmit nalunaiqtauhimayuq hamanngat Hawaii mit minihitaugaluat. Una Arnat Atigingit qauyimayauvluni aannuraatqiutauliqhuni aturluaqtauvakhunilu Inuinnainnut. Ayuittunut anguniaqtit anguniayukkaluaqtangit tirigannianit niuviriangani atigikhanut atigiliuriangani kalikulingnit, iluanittauq atigikhaqaqhutik kiluariitkutilingnit. Atigi ataani aikhangillu miqhuqhimayauyut qalvit amingit, nahakhaalu amaqqulingnit miqhuqtauvakhuni taiyauvagaat ‘sunburst’ pinniqutilingnit. Atigiptatut atigikhat, qauyimayauyut miqhuqpagaat aallannguqpallialiqhuni. Atigipta aallannguqpaliqhuni ungahikpiaqtulingnit nunamillu tadja atuqhimmaaqpagavut.

A new fashion appeared around this time. The Klengenberg family, traders from Alaska, introduced our women to the long parkas of their region known as ‘Mother Hubbards.’ This parka style can be further traced back to Hawaii through missionaries. The Mother Hubbard immediately became a sign of wealth and high standing amongst Inuinnait. Only the best hunters could harvest enough fox furs to buy the fabric needed for the parka’s cotton cover, and interior lining of duffle wool. The parka’s bottom and sleeves are decorated with wolverine fur, and its hood elaborately trimmed with a ‘sunburst’ design. Like our parka materials, the technologies used to sew them also began to change. Steel tools introduced through trading posts replaced copper and bone. Our parkas became a mixture of distant places and the land in which we continue to live.

Perry River natives, Perry River, N.W.T. [Nunavut], 25 September 1928. L.T. Burwash/Library and Archives Canada PA-099677

Nelikahowk, Coronation Gulf, N.W.T., April 1931. Library and Archives Canada/Finnie. PA-101134

Two Inuit women, a child and a man wearing traditional parkas from the Kugluktuk region standing in front of a building.c. 1930. Royal Canadian Mounted Police collection/ Library and Archives Canada. e006581015

Perry River natives, Perry River, N.W.T. [Nunavut], 25 September 1928. L.T. Burwash/Library and Archives Canada PA-099677